There will be no worship service February 16 due to the snow.
All posts by boston
Anniversary Sermon Recording
A big thank you to our guest speaker Angie Dairou for leading your 204th Anniversary Service. If you missed it or would like to listen to her message again you can find it here.
Online Donations
To give to the church by e-transfer, use the email address and your funds will be automatically deposited into the church bank account. Please use the message section to note the fund allocation of your givings – ie. General, Presbyterians Sharing or PWS&D.
Video of our 200th Anniversary Service
Good Morning,
Welcome to a beautiful first day of summer! We don’t know what the weather was like on that June morning 200 years ago when the first service was held, although I would like to think it was a morning much like today. I am reasonably certain it wasn’t raining!
Those first settlers would be utterly amazed at the idea worshiping together and not having to be physically together. Below is the video link to this morning’s Anniversary Service.
Boston’s Anniversary Service Video
Happy Anniversary Boston!
God Bless,