
Committed to Christ: Our Fellowship

At Boston we like to think of ourselves as an extended family and like many families we like to get together! Occasions such as the Easter Brunch, the Anniversary Dinner, the annual picnic, a late summer corn roast, euchre parties and pot-luck dinners in the winter, as well as the annual Christmas party provide opportunities for fun and fellowship. See Upcoming Events for dates and times.

The Ladies Fellowship Group

At Boston we are blessed to have a very active woman’s group, the Ladies Fellowship Group, that meets at 9:30 a.m. on the first Monday of every month. The Ladies Fellowship Group offer a warm sense of welcome and belonging as they work hard raising funds, not just for our church but also for organizations in our community and in the world beyond. One of their biggest events of the year is the annual “Country Bazaar” held every October. See Upcoming Events for more information

The Choir

Our choir is a very dedicated one that enjoys singing God’s praise, lead by our Choir Director and Organist Josh Sinclair, ARCT, B.M., M.Mus.. Everyone is welcome to join.

The “high note” on the musical calendar is the annual Christmas Cantata; a time when we remember what Christmas is all about. A preview of Josh and our Choir can be seen in our virtual Christmas Eve Service from 2020 here.

In celebration of the 200th Anniversary of Boston Presbyterian Church the Choir released a CD “‘A Gift of Song”. Copies are still available for purchase.

Bible Study Group

The Bible Study Group held every other Tuesday at the Church.

Our Community and Beyond

At Boston we remember that Christ came, not to be served but rather to serve. At Boston then our facilities are used on a regular basis by the AA. The facilities are also used by other groups as well on a more irregular basis.

In the summer of 2006 the Boston Church Cemetery Association designed the “Andrew Laidlaw Labyrinth,” which is cut into the grass in a small valley behind the church. This is used by both members of the congregation and community for personal meditation.

We also minister to the community through such as food drives several times during the year. Through our givings to missions and other worthwhile organizations we remember too that our church family is but one part of an even larger special family; God’s family.